LitDev Extension API

Geography LD3DView LDArray LDBits LDBlueTooth
LDCall LDChart LDClient LDClipboard LDColours
LDCommPort LDController LDControls LDCursors LDDataBase
LDDateTime LDDebug LDDialogs LDDictionary LDEffect
LDEmail LDEncryption LDEvents LDFastArray LDFastShapes
LDFigures LDFile LDFocus LDftp LDGeography
LDGraph LDGraphicsWindow LDHashTable LDHID LDIcon
LDImage LDInline LDIOWarrior LDList LDLogic
LDMath LDMathX LDMatrix LDMusic LDNetwork
LDPhysics LDProcess LDQueue LDRegex LDResources
LDScrollBars LDSearch LDServer LDSettings LDShapes
LDShell LDSort LDSound LDSpeech LDStatistics
LDStopwatch LDText LDTextWindow LDTimer LDTranslate
LDUnits LDUtilities LDVector LDWaveForm LDWebCam
LDWindows LDxml LDZip

ftp Methods.

Delete DoAssync Download
FTPComplete LastFTPFile LastFTPStatus
ListFiles Upload UseBinary

Delete a file by ftp.
remoteFile The full path (on server) to the remote file to delete.
ftpServerIP The ftp server address (or IP).
ftpUserID The user ID.
ftpPassword The user password.
returns "SUCCESS", "FAILED" or "PENDING" for async.

Set or get whether ftp transfers are performed asynchronously ("True" or "False" default).
An asynchronous ftp transfer will return immediately and complete in the background.
The event FTPComplete will be called when the tranfer is finished.

Download a file by ftp.
localFile The full path to the local file to download.
remoteFile The full path (on server) to the remote file to download.
ftpServerIP The ftp server address (or IP).
ftpUserID The user ID.
ftpPassword The user password.
returns "SUCCESS", "FAILED" or "PENDING" for async.

Event when an asynchronous ftp transfer completes.

The last asynchronous FTP file transfered.

The last asynchronous FTP file status ("SUCCESS" or "FAILED")

Get a remote folder listing by ftp (non async only).
remoteFolder The full path (on server) to the remote folder to list.
ftpServerIP The ftp server address (or IP).
ftpUserID The user ID.
ftpPassword The user password.
returns An array of file and folder names or "FAILED". The array is indexed by the file name and the value contains additional information.

Upload a file by ftp.
localFile The full path to the local file to upload.
remoteFile The full path (on server) to the remote file to upload.
ftpServerIP The ftp server address (or IP).
ftpUserID The user ID.
ftpPassword The user password.
returns "SUCCESS", "FAILED" or "PENDING" for async.

Set or get whether ftp transfers use binary (default) or ascii. ("True" or "False").